Tuesday, December 16, 2008

final prototype

The final prototype of our louvered fabric panels utilizes the elasticity of the spandex material, the flexibility of the joint system we developed, and functions in a regulatory fashion in terms of light and air distribution. The notion of the model as an installation that would be indicative of a temporal spatial situation such as occupancy within a room will be discussed tomorrow.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Pre-final progress

We've moved our fabric panels from a single-unit system to a field condition with the potential to be deployed over a large surface. As of now, the system serves as both an operable aperture that regulates air and light within a space and a visual indicator of occupancy. Imagining the system as an interior partition between corridor and classroom, for instance, we've designed the system to function in a way that is both functional and indicative of a temporal spatial moment.

We hope to expand the model and have a larger visual representation of the unit which would suggest the field condition we're aspiring to.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Tear you apart *cough* --Prototype _08

The challenge that faced our heroes was of material, the world presented plentiful treasures with a variety of desirable properties. Among them included trace paper, thin plexi, chipboard, foam, mylar, acetate and, spandex.
The trace paper provided a good way to test the reactions of the patterns but it could not hold up to too much force.
The plexi, mylar and chipboard all broke under force.
The Spandex allowed movement but no rigidity.
This was solved by layering it with acetate which gave it structure while allowing movement.

_Laura and Jess!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Expandable Fabric Tiles with Flexinol

We developed a new prototype that demonstrates our understanding of the range of motion necessary to create the expanding and contracting effects within our fabric tile system. By using flexinol as a tendon, the frame can be pulled to its flexible limit and reoriented back away from itself. This creates the popping motion we demonstrated during the midterm. Unfortunately for this prototype, the flexinol had a short lifespan and was unresponsive towards the latter half of our testing process with the model. The photographs below show the basic geometry, newly added lever arms, and addition of an expander block to facilitate movement past the peak position of the frame.

Tug of WAR!

As our quest moves forward we realize the beauty of stopping and smelling the flowers. Finding patterns in the natural world. OK so really it might be from the internet, specifically Milgo Bufkin and XURF practically the same thing.

With just an initial test pattern we played with what pulling at the edges and the type of patterns that could be created.

We then started to test different lengths and spacing of the pattern

Longer slits in one direction allowed more movement along one axis.

Whereas more evenly sized and spaced slits created a system that allowed movement dually on both axis.

_Laura and Jess!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Blazing the trail of Awesome!

As we started our trek we had many unknown foes, the arduino, max msp, audio inputs. We tackled an easy an output

int ledPin_01=2;
int ledPin_02=3;
int ledPin_03=4;
int ledPin_04=5;
void setup()
{ pinMode(ledPin_01, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ledPin_02, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ledPin_03, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ledPin_04, OUTPUT); }

void loop() { digitalWrite(ledPin_01, HIGH);
delay(500); digitalWrite(ledPin_01, LOW);
delay(500); digitalWrite(ledPin_02, HIGH);
delay(500); digitalWrite(ledPin_02, LOW);
delay(500); digitalWrite(ledPin_03, HIGH);
delay(500); digitalWrite(ledPin_03, LOW);
delay(500); digitalWrite(ledPin_04, HIGH);
delay(500); digitalWrite(ledPin_04, LOW); delay(500); }

As we realized the true task ahead was really much greater. The input we wanted had to be processed through another software proving to be in a cunning disguise of cute gui buttons. But nothing is to great for our heroes.
First we found a patch for the arduino to send an input to MAX|MSP

---- SimpleMessageSystem Example 1 ----
Control Arduino board functions with the following messages:

r a -> read analog pins
r d -> read digital pins
w d [pin] [value] -> write digital pin
w a [pin] [value] -> write analog pin

Base: Thomas Ouellet Fredericks
Additions: Alexandre Quessy


// Include de SimpleMessageSystem library

void setup()

// The following command initiates the serial port at 9600 baud. Please note this is VERY SLOW!!!!!!
// I suggest you use higher speeds in your own code. You can go up to 115200 with the USB version, that's 12x faster
Serial.begin(115200); //Baud set at 9600 for compatibility, CHANGE!


void loop()

if (messageBuild() > 0) { // Checks to see if the message is complete and erases any previous messages
switch (messageGetChar()) { // Gets the first word as a character
case 'r': // Read pins (analog or digital)
readpins(); // Call the readpins function
break; // Break from the switch
case 'w': // Write pin
writepin(); // Call the writepin function



void readpins(){ // Read pins (analog or digital)

switch (messageGetChar()) { // Gets the next word as a character

case 'd': // READ digital pins

messageSendChar('d'); // Echo what is being read
for (char i=2;i<14;i++) {
messageSendInt(digitalRead(i)); // Read pins 2 to 13
messageEnd(); // Terminate the message being sent
break; // Break from the switch

case 'a': // READ analog pins

messageSendChar('a'); // Echo what is being read
for (char i=0;i<6;i++) {
messageSendInt(analogRead(i)); // Read pins 0 to 5
messageEnd(); // Terminate the message being sent



void writepin() { // Write pin

int pin;
int state;

switch (messageGetChar()) { // Gets the next word as a character

case 'a' : // WRITE an analog pin

pin = messageGetInt(); // Gets the next word as an integer
state = messageGetInt(); // Gets the next word as an integer
pinMode(pin, OUTPUT); //Sets the state of the pin to an output
analogWrite(pin, state); //Sets the PWM of the pin
break; // Break from the switch

// WRITE a digital pin
case 'd' :

pin = messageGetInt(); // Gets the next word as an integer
state = messageGetInt(); // Gets the next word as an integer
pinMode(pin,OUTPUT); //Sets the state of the pin to an output
digitalWrite(pin,state); //Sets the state of the pin HIGH (1) or LOW (0)



Then we figured out how to read that input in MAX and start to manipulate an input.

Which we then took and made more little flashy lights.

_Laura and Jessica!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Panelized Fabric Tiles

A new wave of prototypes has birthed the predecessor to our midterm project. Using a flexible frame system and the elastic properties of spandex fabric, a series of responsive tiles have been developed to radiate local systematic behavioral patterns over a field. The prototype in the video is not powered by Flexinol, but by man muscle.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

sudo -c EPIC win

What looked to be a dim night for our heroes, was quickly forgotten once they found a guiding light. The path the holy grail, if we may. Beginning to add complexity to our quest we added relays to the circuit for the possibilities of greater voyages in the futures.
The journey looked to have a stormy outcome when the heroes could only light two the sacred LEDs of the Four. However, this did not discourge us, for we are great. We checked to make sure power was going through each of the outputs with the mulitmeter. With hope restored, we found that was not our problem. Debating whether it was an issue of the two different types of relays we were trying we tried switching around the components to check that all were working. It seemed the great weakness of our foe was that the LEDs were below expectations, we set on a frantic search among our LEDs to find ones that could save us. Finally, We found our redeeming LEDs.
and THUS


(not really_Here's the code)

' {$STAMP BS2}
'{$PBASIC 2.5}
DEBUG "Prototype 1", CR


PAUSE 1000

Our Next quest is being sent to us from a far away land. The foe will present us with not only the task of trying to create a new module for the wall but added beasts of more flexinol wires and an Arduino board (and mic) to figure out a way to trigger an output based on an audio input.


_Jessica Becker and Laura Wickesberg

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Living Architecture Columbia Fall 2008: Class Blog


Failed Attempt

The system engineered for this week's class was unsuccessful when it came to generating movement within our fabric field. We had assumed the flexinol would be able to participate more than it demonstrated. As a result, it was virtually impossible for our movement to register on film. Below is an image of the system, ti will be in class on 10/9/08 to discuss further.

The Lastest Conquest :D

Our heroes tackle the quest of creating a panel that shows the response of the wire to the input. We resolved upon layer system of flexible and dense material (wood and pantyhose).

We set the board for two inputs (successfully). Our next step is toward audio inputs. In the meantime however our brave heroes would like to explore the dark forest of more panels and a more precise system.


_Jessica Becker and Laura Wickesberg!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Flexinol crimping instructions


Example use of umbrella


Steven Holl, Riddled Furniture


Use of a relay, second power source




Prototype_week 3

Our Research Agenda suggested that a study of fabrics and textiles might produce great fodder for the development of a responsive kinetic system. Our first prototype demonstrates physical characteristics of a certain fabric and how those characteristics might begin to play a role in the development of a system rather than an illustrative instrument.

Note that:

- our focus is on output at the moment
- our fabric is an elastic, spandex-like material
- our ability to engineer a skeleton will play a vital role in our prototype's performance
- our goal for this prototype was to generate movement within the fabric while concealing the mechanism which allows such movement to take place.

(image of prototype 2)

(video of prototype 2)

We'll continue with our investigation of fabrics and their participation with the circuit boards by constructing new prototypes which demonstrate uncatalogued behavioral possibilities of textiles.

-Mike + Colin

And so our heroes continue...

While wading through the murky waters of discovery, we uncovered many possibilities of progress. Our initial attempts to push forward towards a skin system faltered when we were unable to get both wires to substantially react. We think that it is because of a lack of power since we can only see the wires slightly move, though perhaps it is just wishful thinking.
We decided to hook up LEDs to make sure the circuit at least reacted.

The basic circuit looks like

' {$STAMP BS2}
'{$PBASIC 2.5}
DEBUG "Prototype 1", CR
PAUSE 1000




_Laura Wickesberg and Jessica Becker!

Friday, September 26, 2008

A New Approach To Our Quest

As we step forward on our journey, we considered the possibilities of the paths we could follow. Upon exploration of previous knights, we have decided our exploration shall continue with the application of multiple flexinol wires to a material. Starting to generate a possible wall texture. We are not sure how to test the effectiveness of our quest. However, while we wait for our audio input parts to arrive, we shall begin testing the coordination of the flexinol and the materials.

-Laura and Jessica!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

BMW Concept Car

Research Agenda

First Fauré

Our first trial with the circuit system proved successful. We were able to connect the simple system, then augment it with the resistor and photo sensor. The result was a responsive system that broke its circuit according to lighting conditions regulated by the user.

Our Heroes Next Quest?

_Laura Wickesberg and Jessica Becker!


As our two heroes journey continues they face a new foe. The photo resistor. There were many perils along the way. Luckily those before us in this path left helpful trails of information. We found that the photo resistor must have an adequate light to respond to as well as what conditions we could expect. The most treacherous thing we face was the 9volt. Quickly learning that by not unplugging it while fetching some coffee, it rapidly drains.


_Laura Wickesberg and Jessica Becker!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Assignment: Research Proposal


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Our Journey into the World of Basic Stamps

As we began our quest to unleash the worlds of electronic circuitry unknown to us there were many beasts to be defeated along the way.  First, of the many palaces of Radio Shack, few had the treasure we desired. Finally, we gathered the bounties of electronic supplies necessary and began the next quest to figure out how to put it all together.

Our first trials remain fruitless, our first guess was that the braided wires had too much resistance. After replacing those, our wire remain still so we moved on to try and find another problem. After triple checking we finally realized that the transistor was backwards. After switching it, finally our project began to work.

*Hi 5*

_Laura Wickesberg and Jessica Becker!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Sketch Furniture

The MoMA hosted an exibit entitled "Design and the Elastic Mind" recently. The show featured some invaluable examples of responsive kinetic systems. While mostly digital, these systems featured various methods of user input, processing, and non-participatory output, one example set itself apart from its counterparts by producing something tangible as a result of the user's interaction. "Sketch Furniture" produces prototypes of physical objects as they are "sketched" in the air three-dimensionally with a stylus. The result is a tangible extension of the process; isometric form born from intuitive gesticulation.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Crazy Creatures

The new Wheel! These creatures use stored energy from wind collectors to power their complex series of legs.

Assignment: Prototype 1


Kinetic Acoustic Roof

OK So this project is more of a theory, but I really like the idea of involving acoustics in architecture and having something that reacts.

The theory behind it is basically based on the reverberations of sound in a hall. Different music/performances have different acoustic needs, so in theory based on the type of performance, the hall will adapt to the sound.

One interesting project from outside of class.

Remembering back to the Design and The Elastic Mind exhibit of last spring, the Shadow Monsters exhibit came to mind. The program recognizes the user's shadow gestures and elaborates on them with animation and sound.


One way this project could be improved on is perhaps with the addition of more colors as well as more themes than just monsters.... Perhaps there is a way to utilize the project in a way that could be used for more than just entertainment: Perhaps a similar system could be used to recognize the user's input of a simple line and react in a measurement of potential angles or additions that would be structurally reliable?

Saturday, September 6, 2008

World Changing: Interview with Natalie Jeremijenko


Res Magazine: Article about Art and Technology, Natalie Jeremijenko


Living Architecture Spring 2008 Pratt: Class Blog


Living Architecture Spring 2008 Columbia: Class Blog


Living Architecture Fall 2007 Pratt: Class Blog


Living Architecture Fall 2007 Columbia: Class Blog


Living Architecture Spring 2007 Pratt: Class Blog


Living Architecture Spring 2007 Columbia: Class Blog


Living Architecture Fall 2006 Pratt: Class Blog


Living Architecture Fall 2006 Columbia: Class Blog


Living Architecture Spring 2006 Pratt: Class Blog


Living Architecture Spring 2006 Columbia: Class Blog


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